1. Manga Translation Pitfalls- an article co-written by Kristi Fernandez and Jennifer O’Donnell:
2. Interview- “Discussions with people in the Japanese media localization industry: Kristi Fernandez”:
1. “Translating Visual Stories: Graphic Novels, Comics, Picture Books, and Illustrated YA” September 20, 2019, Brooklyn Bookends + PEN America. Pictures here:
Deutsches Haus at NYU presents together with the PEN Translation Committee, and PEN America’s Children’s and Young Adult Books Committee the panel discussion Translating Visual Stories: Graphic Novels, Comics, Picture Books, and Illustrated YA with Kristi Fernandez, Lyn Miller-Lachmann, Sandra Smith, CJ Suzuki, and Lucas Zwirner. Stories that combine text and illustration are growing in popularity. Some of the most interesting and innovative work is coming from outside the US and translated into English. Panelists will talk about translating graphic novels, comics, picture books, and illustrated YA books and how both text and visuals change when adapted to a new language and culture. We’ll focus on Japan, a pioneer of comics and graphic novels, Western Europe, where edgy stories dominate and refugees give voice to a more diverse continent, Germany, and the attempt to re-frame a beloved YA classic for a U.S. audience, and Brazil, with its unique picture book illustrations.
2. Anime NYC Panel #1, Japan Foundation:
3. Anime NYC Panel #2: